While some of the youngsters arrived already in the morning, the others
only appeared around noon. The remark has to be made that certain persons
came from very far, such as the owners of Dragan, from Germany, around Bremen,
the family Zivot, who made about hundreds of kilometers to come from Normandy
to us, and then Carole who came from the north of France… In the center
of the attention were definitely the six months old puppies «D»,
where 7 from the 8 were present. This time it was the day of the youngsters;
the elder ones were nearly all missing. Among the present people were a
colleague and compatriot with complete family (with twice twins) who seemed
interested in the breed and who came to see the dogs and have a talk with
their owners. There were also some curious people from the street who came
to observe the dogs in their cages. |