Marija Jovanovic, a well-known kinologist who works in Belgium, published a book about Sarplaninac.
European promotion
is the first book about our famous dog, published in a foreign language
(From our correspondent in Paris.)
first and last daily thought is devoted to Sarplaninac, and all my free time
is in the service of kinology", said Marija Jovanovic, an MD living in Belgium,
and a well known breeder of sarplaninac ("Od srpskih planina") and the author
of the book about this world - famous breed of dogs. The book "Sarplaninac"
(edition De Vecchi), published in the most important French kinologic edition,
appeared in the bookstores this summer and filled the void, which existed
up to now. Namely, this is the first book about our mountain shepherd dog
written in a foreign language.
In an easy to follow fashion, Marija Jovanovic explains in the beginning of
the book the origin of Sarplaninac, their distribution in Europe, and then
their "relatives", the most closely related breeds on Balkan and in other
regions. After the standards, and the commentary on the standard, the author
describes very precisely the character of the breed, attaching the greatest
significance to the guardian instinct representing the basis for the use of
the breed. Marija's professional deliberations are intertwined with true stories
collected in conversations with the shepherds in Sarplanina Mountain. "Ljus
was a young dog when one night there appeared the wolves. I awoke on time,
but did not dare move. I thought that Ljus was a coward, because he was not
to be heard. I barely finished my thought, when I saw him jump on the wolf.
It felt like the whole mountain moved. That night, Ljus killed his first wolf
and became the shepherd dog." The testimony of Safet and other shepherds is
valuable because it points to all possibilities of the breed that belongs
to the best-known shepherd dogs in existence.
Despite the multitude of technical detail, this book is also addressed to
non-professional dog lovers, and therefore includes a host of useful advise
regarding the choice of pups, education of the younger dog, and work with
the adult dog. The end of the book devotes attention to nutrition, health,
and showing of dogs.
The book is illustrated with some one hundred photographs, mainly black and
white, which come from different sources, and show not only the most beautiful
Sarplaninac, but also those dogs which show some of the very characteristic
morphologic and eliminating faults.
Special attention in the book is drawn to a few excellent artistic portraits
of Sarplaninac, pencil drawings of Stanoje Jovanovic, prepared very expressively
and through a psychological approach to the dog.
In addition to binding, photographs, graphics and drawings, "Sarplaninac"
by Marija Jovanovic embodies wholeness and impartiality, leading one to conclude
that this is one of the most complete of all the books that were written up
to now about our famous race.
Aleksandar Manic
"The prize Grand Award Edmond and Germaine Defraiteur of the Syndicat d'Elevage Canin de Liège has been awarded this year to our secretary Mrs. Jovanovic, for her book "The Sarplaninac" published by the Editions De Vecchi. This book, the product of elaborate and detailed research, and study based on personal experiences in the course of numerous years of working with this most favourite breed, could have been concieved only by an experienced kinologist."
Mrs. Christine Boclinville-Marville