Secam se naseg prvog okupljanja, ovde, u skoli u Ayeneux, kao da je juce bilo, tada smo okupili pse iz prvog legla « V » i one iz « O » i « Q » legla.
Sada je ovo drugi sastanak koji organizyjem na svom imanju. Po broju osoba, bio je ova najmnogobrojniji skup, braj pasa ostaje priblizno isti iz godine u godinu (22). Vreme je bilo divno, malo prevruce za pse , sva sreca da smo imali nase hladnjake !
Ja sam tako zadovoljna da vidim svoje pse, neke samo jednom godisnje, a takodje i njihove vlasnike ! Za mene je to najlepsi dan u godini !
Bila sam vec « mrtva » pre sastanka, jer sam bila zauzeta da pripremim sve za obrok za 50 osoba a radilo se o toplom obroku. Srecom sam uzivala nesebicnu pomoc prvo od Nicole, zatim uoci sastanka od Christel, a na sam dan sastanka imala sam veoma znacajnu pomoc od Christel, njene sestre, njenog zeta i Nicole. Nebi i njena sarmantna cerka, sa neprekidno nasmejanim licima sluzile su nam pica.


Najveci deo ucesnika stigao je izmedju 9h30 i 10h, ipak smo morali da sacekamo do 11h pa da krenemo u setnju, a sunce je tada vec dobro grejalo.Bilo je novih lica, vlasnici dva « momcica » iz zadnjeg legla : Alexandra i Michaël, valsnici Jovana zvanog Alfie su nam dosli iz daleke Svedske uoci sastanka, ali bez Alfija, a familija Schaaij dosla je iz Holandije sa mojim Jogijem zvanim Silvan. Kao i obicno , iz daleka iz Nemacke Silke i ralf dosli su sa Draganom i Babsy, a nedaleko od nas, takodje iz Nemacke doslia nam je familija Gehlhaar sa Cakanom zvanom Anuschka i familija Jongens sa Gorancem zvanim Zoran iz Holandije. Jedno veliko i prijatno iznenadjenje za mene bio je dolazak Gdje Grégoire sa cerkom u drustvu desetogodisnjaka Andraka, koga vise nisam videla vise godina. Bio je tu i njegov brat Agat zvani Esra sa celom familijom Van der Vecker (Olga). Bayka je bila jedini pretstavnik legla iz koga potice, iz legla « C » osim vec spomenute Gakane, bila je tu i Cicavesna sa celom zenskom familijom na okupu. Iz legla « D » osim Dragana, bili su tu Tom i Els Naessens sa Deckom, Leslie sa Duskom, Yolande sa Duskom, zenkom, iz legla « F » Fetich u drustvu G-djce i Gdje Richard. Najbolje reprezentovano leglo bilo je leglo « G », osim Goranca bila je tu Ziggy sa Garom, moje komsije Delsemme sa Gorstakom, G. Kusza sa Griskom, André Obsada sa Grivnom i naravno, moja Gara. Iz legla « H » imali smo Hodessu i familiju Piron sa Higorom. Jimmy Papp i Arijana ucinili su nam cast i prisustvovali bez Hookera u nedostatku prigodnih kola. Familija Magnette se radovala da ucestvuje , ali André se razboleo i jako bio zalostan sto nije mogao da dodje. Bili su tu i valsnici Ecke i Zirke koji nisu doveli « cure ». Najvise paznje privukao je Jogi-Silvan, jedan stenac izuzenog karaktera, tako dobar, tako druzeljubiv, veseo, zivahan, pravo malo sunce, prava radost !


Kao i uvek, Huguette i ja slikale smo sve ucesnike sa njihovim psima u mojoj basti, prilikom setnje i rucka. Stavicu na web jedan album koji ce svi ucesnici ovog skupa, kao i izvesan broj prijatelja i rodjaka moci da pogledaju kako je protekao nas skup.


Ovoga puta trasa setnje bila je potpuno nepoznata mojim zvanicama. Prosli smo kroz zaseok Riessonsart, sisli prema kamenolomu, sve do spomenika zrtvama iz Iog svetskog rata.
U toku malog predaha kraj spomenika, u prijatnoj hladovini, jednoga momenta Jogi-Silvan nasao se licem u lice sa svojom mamom garom, prisao joj je i zalepio joj « poljubac », jezickom tacno na nos i Gara nije reagovala, ocigledno je bila razoruzana !
Mislila sam da cemo se vratiti istim putem, ali moj komsija, David, poznavao je jednu stazu koja je vodila kroz polja i mi smog a sledili. Meni i Bajki bilo je tesko, obema je bilo jako vruce i obe smo bile jako zadihane.


Rucali smo na mom parkingu ispred kuce, za iznajmljenim stolovima i srecom u senci 4 hladnjaka, peti je posluzio d pravi hladovinu psima u kavezima. Rucak je bio jednostavan, na desertnim tanjirima u nedostataku drugih. Na programu jsu bile pite sa sirom ; sirom i spanacem i mesom, zatim punjene paprike i kao slatkis suva pita od oraha i jagode. Kujan je bila srpska. Zvanice su cenile kujnu, no ostalo mi je mnostvo punjenoih paprika , tako da sam delila pune serpe.


Bez pomoci vise osoba ne bih nikada izasla na kraj. Prvo moram da se zahvalim G. Fagard koji je bio da utovari i potom vrati iznajmljene stolove i stolice, na nekoliko km od mene. Zahvaljujem se takodje ekipi koja je montirala i demontirala kaveze i hladnjake, Lesliju, Vladimiru i Josephu. Moji mladi Svedjani i Christel su postavili stolove i stolice, pomogla ih je i Huguette. U kujni sam imala ogromnu pomoc jednom od Nicole, drugi put od Christel. Na dan sastanka Christel je napravila salatu, ocistila jagode, posluzivala sa sestrom i zetom. Ona je takodje prala sudove, kuvala kafu, vodila Garu u setnju, zabavljala strane goste iz Nemacke, Holandije i Svedske. Ona je stvarno bila moja desna ruka. Nicole je vodila Bajku, donela hleb, prala sudove. Hvala mojoj Huguette koja je pomogla da funkcionise kasa za piica, koja je bila prvi fotograf, bavila se zvanicama, suvenirima i mnogim drugim stvarima.


Les Montagnes Serbes, Sarplaninci in Belgium June 4, 2011

We went to Belgium to see Macha, Alfie’s breeder, and mingle with other sarplaninac owners on her annual kennel meeting. This was our first time, and unfortunately Alfie was unable to make it since we flew over. However, after meeting several people who told us about the many wonderful journeys they’ve made with their sarplaninac in toll, Mikael and I have decided we’d like to travel with Alfie as well. Now all we have to do is get his passport ready, and maybe he’ll be on the road with us by next year!
So back to the story; Mikael and I were staying with Macha for the next 2 nights, and this year the meeting was held in her garden. We set up tables and chairs and set them with tablecloths and cutlery. There were a few party tents to give us shade, and Macha had made all of the food herself (she’s a great cook!). I don’t know the whole background story, but I do know that Christel, another friend of ours, has helped Macha out a lot with the preparations for the meeting. On the actual day there was no difference; Christel was there being a good team leader, giving us directions on how to help. The weather was marvellous, we had 30 C (86 F) melting us all like ice cream, hot but nice!
Eventually guests started popping in, and one dog after another caught my attention. There was Andrak, Cica-Vesna, Cakana, Fetich, Babsy, Dragan, Decko, Dusko, Gorstak, Goranac, Garo, Griska, Higor, Hodessa, and, of course, Alfie’s littermate Jogi (now Silvan). And let’s not forget my favorite girls, Bayka and Gara, Alfie’s grandmother and mother. They are both the apple of my eye, those two. There were many more but I have forgotten their names (sorry!). Mikael and I were in heaven! Where else would we meet and greet so many sarplaninci? Higor and Hodessa have the same father as Alfie, so they’re half-siblings. The greatest moment for me was to meet Jogi, because I’ve been dying to see the resemblance between him and our own baby boy. I wasn’t disappointed. Although Jogi has another type of coat and color, his facial features reminded me of Alfie’s. Jogi is a little thinner and smaller, but there was no mistaking those eyes and that look! He also had a wonderful temperament and was quite the charmer. Alfie is a bit more reserved with strangers and has more “edge” to him than Jogi. Of the two I’d say that Alfie is definitely more dominant, and Jogi is the teddy bear that everybody loves, including me. Then I was also thrilled to see Gara and Bayka again, and I was happy that Mikael finally got to meet them too. Bayka’s temperament reminds me of Alfie’s; you need to win her over before she’ll come and sit with you. Then she’s just a big baby, not unlike her grandson. Appearance wise, she’s a very large female, with a longer face and thicker bones, which I can see in Alfie too. Gara is the sweetheart I’m absolutely in love with! She’ll win anybody over with her shyness and soft manner. And those eyes! She has the exact same look as Alfie! He’ll look at us like he’s the tiniest, most vulnerable creature in the whole wide world, mostly when he’s done something he’s not supposed to, or when he just needs someone to feel sorry for him and come over and give him a hug…
We were both excited to see Macha. She’s a woman of great knowledge and her opinion is always important to us. Without a proper picture of Alfie in profile and a close up of his head and face (just regular, amateur photos), she was still able to tell us he looks good, and that he has a nice head and face. The theme of the day was Serbian, because both Macha and the breed is of this origin. Macha greeted her guests in a serbian-inspired dress, with an original chaperon typical for Serbia. The food was also typical for the region. We were served stuffed peppers and a sort of pie, one with cheese and another with eggs and spinach. It was delicious! For dessert we had baklava with strawberries - yummy! Before lunch we all went for a nice walk around the neighborhood. Hot like it was though, I’m not so sure the dogs enjoyed it as much as we did, but they were great sports and pulled through like champs. There were many great photo opportunities, but as soon as I brought out the camera the dogs scattered like rats… Though not loving the camera, I managed to capture some of them.
In the afternoon, when people started to thank Macha for a good time and went home, we were left putting away what we had set up earlier that morning, and we finally had time to take in this awesome experience. Mikael and I couldn’t stop talking about what we had just seen and who we had just met, and we shared our thoughts and opinions from the day. We were exhausted in a good way.
Then I realized the girls were still there, so once again I took out my camera and started bothering poor Bayka with it while she was trying to get a well deserved rest after a hot and heavy day. Unfortunately the time flew by all too quickly and we had to accept that we needed to go to bed to not miss our flight the next morning. With heavy steps I joined Gara in the yard and took even more photos of her, the last ones of this year, I guess. I was sad to say goodbye, but just as if she had known what I was thinking, she gave me the same puppy eye look Alfie always does, and when she reminded me of him again, I felt better about returning home. I told you she’s an angel!